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الزراعة والنظم البيئية الصحراوية
الزراعة والنظم البيئية الصحراوية
Effect of Growth Regulators on Rooting of Hardwood Cuttings of Lycium shawii, Nitraria retusa and Farsetia aegyptia
عدد المشاهدات 215
Alteration of the Rhanterium epapposum plant community in Kuwait and restoration measures
Application of Biosaline Agriculture Strategies for Sustainable Plant Production in Kuwait
Applications of LED Lighting Systems in Horticulture
Assessing the potential adaptability of water lilies (Nymphaea sp.) under arid climatic conditions
Assessment of Indigenous Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Colonization Status in Selected Plants in Kuwait Desert
Assisting Non-Soil Experts to Identify Soil Types for Land Management to Support Restoration of Arid Rangeland Native Vegetation in Kuwait
Benefits of Microbial Inoculation of Native Plants During Nursery Culture
Biochemical and hematological profile of different breeds of goat maintained under intensive production system
Biodiversity of protected areas of Kuwait: potential role for Ecotourism
Causes and consequences of desertification in Kuwait
changes in soil prop
Chemical composition
Classificatn of soil supportg Mangrove plantation in Kuwait
Climate change in Kuwait
Comparision of Growing Substrates for Organic under Greenhouse Conditions
Cost of Cultivation of Tomato in Kuwait in Uncooled Plastic Tunnel System
Critical assessment of the environmental consequences of the invasion of Kuwait
Crude oil contamination
Cultivation of barley under harsh environmental conditions in Kuwait
Desert Plants and Mycorrhizae: Need for Mycorrhizal Research in Kuwait Desert Ecosystem
Development of the On-farm Production of Indigenous AM Fungi inoculum and Its Potential for Sustainable Growth and Nutrition of Native Plants in Kuwait’s Desert
Effect of crude oil
Effect of Growth Regulators on Rooting of Hardwood Cuttings of Lycium shawii, Nitraria retusa and Farsetia aegyptia
Effect of Rooting Hormones (IBA and NAA) on Rooting of Semi Hardwood Cuttings of Capparis spinosa
Effect of Three different substrates
Effective Planting of Native Shrubs for Sustainable
Effects of Planting Techniques on Seedling Establishment in Native Species for Sustainable Revegetation
Estimation of Water Requirements for Young Date Palms Under Arid Climatic Conditions of Kuwait
Evaluating the suitability of Groundcovers in the arid Environments of Kuwait
Evaluation and screening of ornamental plants for salinity Tolerance
Evaluation and screening of suitable vines for the arid conditions of kuwait
Evaluation of shrub performance under arid conditions
Fertilizer Formulations and Methods of their Application Influences Vegetative Growth and Productivity in Organic Greenhouse Tomato
Field assesment of aeolian sand
Germination characteristics and storage behaviour of tamarix
Germination of some Kuwait`s native plants in saline conditions
Germination studies in Horwoodia dicksoniae
Germination Studies in Lycium shawii Roem
Germination Studies in Nitraria retusa
Germination Studies in Ochradenus
Germination Studies in Rhanterium epapposum Oliv
germination technique of native desert plant of kuwait
Growing Substrate Composition Influences Growth, Productivity and Quality of Organic Vegetables
Growing Substrates for Organic Lettuce Production in Kuwait
Growth of Capparis spinosa var. Inermis under different irrigation levels
Impact of Climate Change in West Asia Region
impact of seasonal variation
Importance of Treated Waste Water for Forage Irrigation in Kuwait
Influence of Light Emitting Diodes (LED) Light on the Productivity
International Symposium and Workshop on Native Seeds in Restoration of Dry land Ecosystems
Introduction of commercial crop production system and techniques in state-of-the-art greenhouse horticulture
Irrigation Requirements of Vetiver Cultivars under Urban Landscape Conditions of Kuwait
KISR Research on Biodiversity Conservation
KISR Seed Germination Symposium
KISR Seed Germination Symposium 2
Kuwaits agricultural efforts to mitigate climate change
Land and vegetation degradation caused by military activities
Land degradaiotion in Kuwait
Land-use mapping for the State of Kuwait
Land-Use Planning for Controlling Land Degradation in Kuwait
Lettuce and Strawberry Crops Grown in MAPS
Lifetime Reproductive and Lamb Crop Yields of Fat-tailed Naeemi
Lifetime Reproductive and Lamb Crop Yields of Fat-tailed Naeemi andImported Border Leicester Merino Ewes in Intensive System ofProduction
Mangrove, Avicinnia marina, establishment and growth under the arid climate of Kuwait
Mapping and Monitoring of Soil Salinization Remote Sensing
Mapping the vegetation of Kuwait through reconnaissance soil survey
Mass propagation and utilization of native shrubs in landscaping in Kuwait
Modular Agricultural Production System
Modular Agricultural Production System State-of-the-art Controlled Environment Plant Factory
Morphologic characteristics and development of falling dunes, northeast Kuwait
Mulching effect in selected ornamental plants
Mycorrhizal Symbiosis
Nursery Production Techniques for Argan
Perf of ornamental plants under deficit irrigation
Performance and Water Requirement of Young Olives (Olea europaea L.) Under the Harsh Environment of Kuwait
Performance evaluation of Chrysopogon zizanoides under urban conditions of Kuwait
Performance of ornamental plants in bioremediated soil
Performance of Selected Native Plants under Deficit Irrigation
Plant Communities in Kuwait
Plant enrichment in the desert ecosystem
polyacrylamide polymer and salinity effects on water requirement of conocarpus lancifolius
Polyacrylamide Polymer and Salinity Effects on Water Requirement of Conocarpus lancifolius and Selected Properties of Sandy Loam Soil
polymer effectiveness at different temp
Positive impact of mangrov plantation
Potential of argan tree
Proceedings of Women in Science and Technology for the Developing World Fifth General Assembly and International Conference
Propagation studies in Farsetia aegyptia Turra
Propagation Studies on Selected Keystone Plant Species for Use in Restoration Projects in Kuwait
Reconnaissance Soil Survey for the State of Kuwait
Remarks on Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN)
response of zizyphus var to irrigation water salinity under arid
Revegetation of Damaged Terrestrial Ecosystems
screening of plants for drought tolerance
Screening of potential ornamental trees for Kuwait’s climatic conditions
Sedimentological and morphological
Seed and Fodder Production of Major Native Plants of Kuwait
Seed Dormancy
Seed germination of ornamental plants A greenery plan contribution
Seed Quality Testing of Native Species
Seed Viability and Breaking of Seed dormancy
Selection of Crops for Sustainable Utilization of Land and Water Resources in Kuwait
site selection criteria & charac. for the intro of mangroves
soil cons as a concept to improve
Sustained Deficit Irrigation and Mulching on Growth of Sourani Olive Trees in Kuwait
Technologies for improving irrigation water productivity in Kuwait
testing newly introduced ornamental plants to the arid climate
Testing some soilless technique
The Potential of Using Organic Amendments for Improved Revegetation Of Native Plants in Kuwaits Desert Lands
Utilization of By-Product Materials of Building Construction and Demolition to Conserve Water and Soil in Kuwait
Variation of water retention in various soil of Kuwait
Various attempts in greening the state of Kuwait
vegetable prod. in calcareous soils of Kuwait status report
Vetiveria zizanoides Plantation for Slope Stabilization in Kuwait: A case study
Water availability for the greening of Kuwait
Women in Science and Technology for the Developing World
Writing Scientific Reports
إنجازات معهد الكويت للأبحاث العلمية في مجال الزراعة
التدهور البيئي والحياة الفطرية
الماشية و أهميتها في توفير الأمن الغذائي في دولة الكويت
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